Random Thoughts

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. --Albert Einstein

Monday, June 27, 2005

Snow chasing.... to delivering phonebooks....

Well I am getting in trouble for not posting, so I’m going to post!

Clinton and I went snow chasing on the weekend. My cousin from Glen Innes called and said it was snowing there. About an hour or so later Clinton and I decided we wanted to go and see if we could catch the snow.

Friday Clinton had a bus run at 10am, which he couldn’t get out of. Thankfully, it worked out really well because I had to get my Hep A & B and Typhoid injections that morning. So, once we’d done those things, we packed the car (the commodore) and took off for Glen Innes! We got in at about 6pm (I think… Correct me if I’m wrong Clinton).


There was no snow :o( We decided that the trip was worth it anyway. We stayed with my cousin who is the minister for Glen Innes and Tenterfield. We went for a walk around the town after tea, even though there was no snow, it was quite cold! Quite a cute little town really.

The next morning my cousin was heading off to Tenterfield to preach, so he left us in charge of finding our own breakfast. Only after he’d left he remembered to tell us that that Sabbath School didn’t start until 10am. The church was really lovely! Only about 20 people there, quite a few visitors apparently. Take out the visitors, and the age range would have been 65+! So, as you can imagine, Clinton and I were begged to move there and go to their church. They were lovely people, a few certainly stood out as real gems. We stayed for the lunch and then went for a quite drive to the standing stones.

The Standing Stones Posted by Hello

Aww, isn't he cute! :o) Posted by Hello

They were pretty cool, and I learnt that there was a local druid! I never realised we had ‘real’ modern day witches and stuff! I attacked Clinton which questions about her and the stones, not quite sure if I still get it all….

Then we stopped at Armidale for a quick look around. It is such a cute place! I love it! The churches there are so beautiful.

The streets were all so looong and straight! It really amused me! Posted by Hello

The buildings looked really cool too! Posted by Hello

I loved the colours of the LEAVES! Posted by Hello

One of the gorgeous churches Posted by Hello

And inside.. Posted by Hello

Another church Posted by Hello

Then we went for a walk in a park....

Look at all those leaves!!!!!! Posted by Hello

Then the long drive home again! We took a tourist drive for a little bit though.

The trees looked so cool! Posted by Hello

Clinton found this gorgeous little church that he remembered from a while ago. It was so cute, all overgrown..! Plus the sunset that day, it was just amazing! The pictures do not do it justice! The pink was a solid pink and was just so nice...

The cute lil church! Posted by Hello

The sunset.... Posted by Hello

The amusing thing was that we’d gone all that way to find snow, and on our drive back, we found a bit of hail instead! Not enough to worry us, but there was a nice big black cloud that we were wanting to keep behind us.

After arriving home at what time I have no idea, I said goodnight to Clinton and just went straight to sleep.

The next morning Clinton and I were going to deliver phonebooks. So, up at 7am… breakfast…..to the factory to get his dad’s car… out to Russel’s place to get a trailer…..back to the factory to get the phonebooks. We had Kat to help us, so the 3 of us went off to our territory. By midday, we were cold (it was raining) and hungry and almost out of phonebooks, so we headed to my place for lunch.

We tried to recruit more people, as Clinton driving and Kat and I delivering wasn’t making things happen very fast, but no one came to our rescue. In the end, after lunch we convinced dad to drive while the 3 of us delivered. Again, it rained… no! It poured! It was freezing! And we had a new sub-division that wasn’t on the map which was huge, so 2 pellets of phonebooks later (and at 4pm mind you) we decided we’d had enough! Hadn’t even finished our territory!

That was the majority of Friday to Sunday… Sunday night the linux club thing was on (ie. Geek Fest!)…..went to that but had no idea what an earth they were all on about!

Muffin: I hope you liked the pictures that were taken just for you! ;o)


  • At 10:27 pm, Blogger Peter Ansell said…

    blah blah balh... pretty pictures... blah blah... ooh... geek fest!!! hehehe... so annoying that i could be there for it... did they force you to participate??? quite a shocking experience that would have been... would you have remembered it if they had... i think maybe not... :-P...

    the pictures were good... and i am glad that clinton didn't get out of that bus run... that was how i got into morriset on friday! lol..... :)


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