Random Thoughts

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. --Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 31, 2004

The White Rose

Your soul is bound to the White Rose: The

"I've been waiting in the dark for a long
time, shining my beacon of hope through the
shadow. If you see me, don't you hide your
eyes from me."

The White Rose is associated with purity, honor,
and chastity. It is governed by the goddess
Artemis and its sign is The Cross, or Agape.

As a White Rose, you are a person of your word.
You may have a strong moral code, but
regardless of your virtue, you always stay true
to yourself. To you, love is the most pure of
emotional forms and it's just a matter of
waiting for it to bless you. Some people may
say you are too idealistic, but it's only
because you don't want to mess things up.

Too much to do!

Why is it when you really need a hairdresser open, none are? How can i organise drinks and desert for anywhere between 40-80 people in a week? Hm, can you tell i'm a little stressed at the moment!

Firstly, it is the ASFA dinner this Sunday night, and of course no hairdressers are open sundays! I can probably pull off a hair style, but i've never been any good and i certainly won't be happy with it. Secondly, dad has invited the graduating education students over for a progressive tea next friday night. He has no idea how many, whether we have to pay for and supply the food and when their coming. To make things even more interesting, mum is going away that week. So of course, dad with his bad back can't lift anything so i'll be left to move the tables, the car that doesn't go and everything else as well as run around preparing the food. Oh dear.

There is so much to organise for next year too. January i'm going to cook at Summer camp so i have to fly to Brisbane for that, the next month i'll have to fly to Rocky for a wedding, then the next i'm flying to mackay for another wedding then it's my birthday the next month the in july i'm off to the Solomon Islands... I am going to be soo increadibly broke by the end of all this! At least i'll be kept busy!

Friday, October 29, 2004

Late nights & tired thoughts

Well, I am officially extremely tired!! Had 3 hours sleep last night. Let me explain, firstly i stayed over in Melissa's room last night up at College. We stayed up talking until around midnight which was our first mistake. We had to get up at 3.45am to go to the prayer room at 4-5am. Unfourtunately, i'd forgotten to change my reminder on my phone for 3am to 3.45am, so i woke up to beeping at 3am and didn't get back to sleep... Now i am extremely tired and having a cup of coffee only so that i get through the night!

Mel and i had some really good talks last night. I'm so thankful for Mel, she sees a lot of things the same way i do, and when we do differ we respect each others opionin. Some how i don't think that tonight will be a late night. Everyone i know is pretty tired this weekend! We had our last game of netball for the season, and we had great fun, it would have been nice to win one of our games - but for a group with the majority who've never played before we're going really well.

The prayer room was really good. It was a little annoying that one girl was staying in the prayer room all week. So when Mel and i turned up at 4am this morning, we had to be very quiet because she was snoring away on the couch. We would have liked to play and sing like we did last time. But it was still really good. The prayer request board is filled with requests, the thanks board is covered in thanks, the graffiti wall is covered in praises for God! It is the most awesome feeling walking in there. Reading others notes and testimonies really helps you to keep your mind and heart open, and it challenges you.

Everyone is talking about the ASFA dinner for college. Some guys have plucked up the courage to ask girls they like, and it's really exciting to see the huge smile they're wearing. Really cute. I understand it's not everyone's cuppa-T, but for a lot of us, it's just a time to get dressed up and have fun with our friends. I really don't know what to expect of the night. I'm also wary of what will go around after the dinner. I think the majority of our group knows that Braden and I are just really good mates, but i know that someone will probably read me going with him the wrong way... Let's just hope it gets squashed very quickly!

Ah well, it's finally the weekend. Enjoy the weekend peoples

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Well, we had another chaff pulled off last night! Poor unsuspecting Clinton went into Newcastle for uni and Melissa, Braden, Peter and I started on his room. For a little while i thought it wasn't going to happen cause Braden couldn't find a dean to let us girls up into Clintons room. But eventually we got up there. What did we do? Well, let's hope i don't forget anything. Firstly, we made his bed (yes, it was scary!) and short-sheeted his bed... and in the short-sheeted part we put some crushed up 2minute noodles! Then made the bed... :o)

We tidied up his room as much as we could, and i have to say i've never seen so many clothes lying around - i thought i was bad!! We got some plastic flowers, XOX and heart stickers which i put everywhere, we wrote on his two mirrors with old (pink!) lipstick, we toilet-papered his whole room. What else... oh yes. We filled one cupboard with balloons and left the rest in his room. We sprayed half a can of impusle (revolting) deoderant into his other cupboard, which braden informed us was his underwear cupboard too!

We got a kiddy make up kit, left that on his desk. But a pinky kiddy tiara on his pillow, a pink boa around his mirror. We bought this terrible smelling "car freshener" in the shape of two hearts which was supposed to be lavendar and hid it in his room. Believe me, it stunk! Oh, and we got him a mug which had one of those 'bang on the door' girls on it. So basially we 'girlyfied' his room. Braden asked if we'd got any g-strings to hid in his bed! Mel and i nearly died of fright, even we're not that mean! lol.

To top it all off, he thinks that it's the other girls, so we're going to play him for a bit. Oh, isn't life so much fun!! But afterwards, the deoderant fight brought mel and i back down.... even two of us couldn't get the cans of braden.... sooo not fair! Hehe! Revenge is sweet (and heaps a fun!)

Pictures will come soon...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Natural Horsemanship

Seeing i'm on holidays at the moment i've been watching a few dvds. I watched 'The horse whisper' this morning, and it really touched me. I read the book ages ago, so i already knew the story line, but i still found myself crying through a lot of the movie. I've had friends come off horses and have very serious injuries, i've even had one die becuause of the fall. I've also known horses that have had to be put down because of injury.

Horses are a strong passion of mine. I really believe in natural horsemanship, not "controlling" the horse and beating it into submission. I've seen Monty Roberts at a demonstration at Brisbane Equitana in 2002, and i was touched. Horses are so big and strong, but when you can let them know it's okay to trust you, the relationship that can be build is amazing.

My own horse was abused somewhere along the line. She was sent to the knackers and i'm the third owner since she was rescued from there. She is beautiful, but you can see the effects of the abuse. She is scared of men, and could possibly be quite dangerous if she is scared enough. Thankfully, she's come so far since i bought her. Some people may think i'm crazy because i care so much about the issue of horse abuse and natural horsemanship but it's something i really do care about. One day, i'd love to be trained using the Monty Roberts methods and be able to train horses and train other people in these methods... One day...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Best Friends

Bec & I

This is my best friend and I at our year 12 formal in 2002. The first impression of Bec came from her and Sarah chasing each other around during lunch break at school attacking each other! I didn't know that those two *crazy* girls would later become my best friends through school. Unfortunately as things go, Sarah drifted away from us. I luv my Bec, and even though we've both moved away from each other, i can still say that she's my best friend!

Best friends are wonderful things, you don't have to explain you're self to them, they understand how you feel before you have to say anything, they know how to cheer you up, and their just all round wonderful!

*Miss ya bec!*

Friday, October 22, 2004

Nora Head part 2

Clinton, Braden & Peter

These are three of my closest male friends at College. Their great fun! As you can see, their all posers!

Nora Head part 1

Me and Melissa

This photo and the one above are from the 'Science Picnic' at Nora Head a little while ago. Mel is my closest friend at College, and those that know us are starting to think that we're inseperable! Which may be true to some extent... But honestly, we're not that bad... :o) Mel and I have so much fun together, scheming... hehe!