Random Thoughts

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. --Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Is enough really enough?

What do you do when you're just had enough?

Enough of the way things are in this world, enough of the way people treat each other and other things? How much worse can things in this world get? People have different views on the second coming of the Lord, some say that things are so bad now that Jesus will come soon, others say that things can get a whole lot worse yet.

How are we to survive such times? I'm so lucky to live in a country where i can worship God without fear of prosecution. For Jesus to come again, the word needs to have reached every person. How do we do that in countries that are war-torn? There are so many people out there that we need to reach out to. I personally think that things are going to get a lot worse yet.

I just pray and hope that we do everything within our power to reach the nations and tell them about Jesus very quickly!


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